Resources To Build Better Website

Website Owners

Five free and helpful resources to support website owners including a website owner guide (PDF) you can download to help you build a better website.

Resources To Build A Better Website

  Google Tools

I consider this to be more tool to refine SEO techniques and also a marketing research tool.

If you want to find out about your competition, type in products or services you have and see what appears. The results displayed are organic. Check out the websites of your competitors.

Use the methods they are already using to jump-start your SEO, and content marketing along with gaining a better understanding of what they are using for an efficient outbound link strategy.

Obviously if your competition is displaying here and you are not displaying, you have some modifications to make to improve those three items: SEO, content marketing, and link strategy.

This is a comprehensive tool and all you need to do is set up the code in the header of your web page.

To get more juice e from the analytics you can use tag manager. For example, say you want to know what views are being viewed or what buttons are being selected by website visitors.

To accomplish this you setup a tag for each specific content which produces a reportable action to identify specific results covering whatever the tag represents.

Use your Gmail account credentials to log into this tool.

You can manage more than one website here. You will need to have the Google Analytic code installed on your website first. Be sure you are using the updated versions of Analytics (after June 30, 2023).

The three key components to review.
- Make sure your sitemap is being indexed.
- Reviewing page “not indexed” errors to correct hose pages.
- Make sure analytics in installed properly, otherwise you will not see statistics.

Visitor stats are available here bt to see a more comprehensive view with additional options see Google Analytics.

 15 Page Rule

Writing quality content for a website is something that requires a great deal of thought and effort. It is important to understand that the content you create needs to be educational, interesting and engaging.

When creating content for your website, there are a few key points to keep in mind. The first is to make sure your content is original and unique.

While the services you provide are probably offered by another company too, your website will emanate your style and prose. Whenever possible use before and after pictures to illustrate your work and project ability.

Second, make sure that the content is relevant and up-to-date. This is especially important if you are writing about a topic that is widely used. As an example, of you have a technique for doing a common practice in your trade, articulate that. Even if you don’t have a special technique, design your content as though you are the premier service in the area.

Third, make sure that your website content loads quickly on any computing device. today people use phones. tablets, and laptops to view websites. Build your website so that your content is optimized which means it will load quickly on every device.

Fourth, use visuals to add to the content. Images, videos, and other visuals can help to break up the text and make the content more interesting and engaging. Plus, make you compact your photos so they load quickly. As a general rule. keep the photo size at a max of 750 pixels using jpg format versus a png file format. Nowadays you want your web page to load on any device within a few seconds.

Finally, make sure that the content is designed to produce organic results in search engines. This means using keywords throughout the page content. It works well to include relevant links to other content on your website but shy away from using links to take readers off your website, especially on the top half of a web page. This breed linking advice helps to ensure your content is found by search engine users when they are looking for information about the topic.

This is the method that I have used on different service contractor websites that is working very well. The only requirement is that you need to have at least 15 existing website pages to use it.

Here goes, there are three parts to this method.

#1 Directory Page

This page will display the title, description, and link to the new content pages you create going forward. A blog page is an excellent tool or you can setup a new page.

#2 New Content Post Pages

On each of these pages, you want to include a unique title, header photo, and text of at least 500 words. As a service contractor, you could easily create a new page around a recent project you completed. The title will be the name of the service provided with some marketing flare. The text will be a brief description. Hopefully, you will have a photo or two or three from your project to insert.

#3 Publish With RSS File

This is a two-step process. The first step is to create an RSS file. Click here to view one of my RSS files, save it as a .txt file so it's editable. You will have to use that as a template since you want your content in the RSS file, not mine. But, use the same format that I am using, just modify the content.

Once you have an RSS file built and have the RSS file validated, you will add each new content post page as a new ITEM in your RSS file. You already have the title tag, description tag and link from your website page information, it’s just a matter of copying that info into the ITEM section of the RSS file.

My method extends the reach of your website with RSS (Really Simple Syndication). RSS is a popular way to quickly access the latest news and updates from a variety of sources, without having to visit multiple websites.

RSS is an XML-based format for syndicating and sharing web content. It is used to publish frequently updated content, such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video. By subscribing to an RSS feed, users are able to quickly get the latest content from websites without having to manually visit each one.

RSS is also a great way to increase website traffic. When users subscribe to an RSS feed, they are more likely to visit the website associated with it and thus, more likely to become regular visitor. This can help increase website traffic and make it easier for readers to find content.

One last suggestion is adding a subscribe button to your Directory Page. Users who sign up for this will automatically receive an update on the RSS feed once you add a new post - ITEM

 Content: AI versus Human

In their original guidance the police on AI-generated content versus human-generated content, yout website would score higher (better ranking) with human content. this is the guidance from Google:

“Google Search’s helpful content system generates a signal used by our automated ranking systems to better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in search results.”

In a more recent Google update it says, ‘“Google Search’s helpful content system generates a signal used by our automated ranking systems to better ensure people see original, helpful content created for people in search results.”

It would seem that with the recent update above Google is going to lower the bar on evaluating content.

In my view, it seems not much has changed with this recent update, which means that content created by humans is going to get your more bang for your marketing money in terms of SEO/SEM relating to organic search listing rankings.

I am not saying that website owners need to stop using AI content on sites and social media. But, if you are serious about establishing quality organic listings in search results, which is defined as your listings do not disappear every time Google updates their algorithms, then juice up your human-generated content.

Google added this statement to thier development blog covering this topic:

“Is this content written by an expert or enthusiast who demonstrably knows the topic well?”

The last thing you want as a website owner is to get dinged by the search algorithms for website content, which you got cheaply from AI Writer services, but which degrades your organic rankings.

This is most recent post, 2024, from Google on AI content in website media.

 Website Visitor Privacy

As of this writing, there are no federal laws about online privacy. As a website owner you need to keep pace with the local law or regulations in your area that govern your website visitor traffic.

More and more states are creating thier own privacy policies. This is a website I use to follow those updates: click here.

To learn about the GDPR - General Data Protection Rule - was formed and is goverend by the European Union. It is considered the “gold standard” in privacy.


In 2020, voters in California passed the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), an amendment to the CCPA. The CPRA provides additional protection for Californians, such as the right to know what personal data entities are collecting about them and the right to know if businesses are selling their data and to whom.


The Colorado Privacy Act is a new law that will take effect on July 1, 2023. This law will require businesses to disclose their data collection and sharing practices to consumers and gives Colorado residents the right to opt out of the sale of their personal data. The law also imposes strict penalties for companies and authorizes the state attorney general to bring enforcement actions.


The Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act covers any business that collects personal information from Connecticut residents. The law provides privacy protection regulations for data controllers and processors and requires them to take reasonable security measures to protect personal data.


Delaware remains within the top five this year. Laws that require the government to dispose of customer data after a set period of time, protect genetic data, protect the privacy of e-reader and library data, and protect minors help the state stand out.

There were no updates for Delaware this year. However, it is one of the states that require consent from both parties before call recording can be carried out.


Illinois paved the way for legislation that specifically protects biometric data like fingerprints, face recognition scans, and retina scans, being the first state to enact this way back in 2008. It is only in recent years that several other states (California, Texas, and Washington) have followed suit. It is also one of 18 states to have a comprehensive genetic data protection law.

Both companies and the government must dispose of personal data after a set period of time. Employers and schools cannot force employees and students to hand over social media account login information. The state also enforces strict regulations regarding the use of artificial intelligence for video interviews and requires consent from both parties when recording calls.


The FDBR imposes obligations on "controllers" (for profit legal entities that conduct business within the state of Florida, collects personal data from consumers, and determines the purposes or means of the processing of personal data) who have an annual global revenue of more than $1 billion and meet one of the following criteria:

1.) Derive 50 percent of its global gross annual revenue from the sale of advertisements online;

2.)Operate a consumer smart speaker and voice command service with an integrated virtual assistant connected to a cloud computing service that uses hands-free verbal activation;
3.)Operate an app store or digital distribution platform with at least 250,000 different software applications for consumers to download and install.

Compared to other state privacy laws, the applicability of the FDBR is significantly limited in scope due to its high jurisdictional thresholds. The law is clearly intended to regulate "Big Tech" companies. As such, the provisions in the FDBR will not be relevant to most businesses.


The Louisiana Consumer Privacy Act (SB 199) is a proposed bill introduced in the Louisiana State Senate during the 2023 legislative session.


The Maryland Online Consumer Protection Act protects consumers from cybersecurity threats, including data breaches, theft, phishing, and spyware. While this law is similar to other state privacy laws, it’s more comprehensive in certain respects.

For instance, Maryland law requires businesses to take reasonable steps to protect consumers' personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The law also requires entities to provide consumers with a way to opt out of having their personal information collected, used, or sold.

This act applies to all businesses that collect, use, or disclose personal data about Maryland residents, including out-of-state companies that sell goods or services to Maryland locals.


The Massachusetts Data Privacy Law is a set of regulations governing businesses' handling of personal information. The law applies to any organization that holds, uses, or discloses personal data about Massachusetts residents.

Some of the law’s provisions state that companies must obtain consumer consent before collecting or using their data. In addition, entities must take necessary steps to secure consumer data. The state law also establishes that companies must disclose how they use consumer data and allow customers to opt out of specific uses. Finally, organizations must ensure that the data they collect is accurate and up-to-date.


Senate Bill 220, prohibits the operator of a website or online service from selling certain collected consumer information in Nevada if directed by the consumer. Separating itself from the California Consumer Privacy Act, SB 220 is one step of a multi-step approach to Nevada’s privacy legislation.

The law was developed to work with Nevada’s existing privacy and security laws, following concerns over the transparency of third-party data sales in the state. The law provides consumers who reside in Nevada with the ability to opt out of data sales. Unlike the CCPA, SB 220 is not comprehensive, does not provide proportional service for data collected, and does not contain an explicit anti-discrimination clause for individuals who choose to opt out.

New Hampshire

SB 255 is a comprehensive consumer privacy protections ensuring that consumers can view what personal data is collected by companies, how it is held, and to have that information deleted upon request.

Under the new law, New Hampshire becomes the 14th state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy protections ensuring that Granite State consumers can view what personal data is collected by companies, how it is held, and to have that information deleted upon request.

New York

The New York Privacy Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of privacy and security legislation in the U.S. This law sets strict rules about how businesses must handle consumers’ personal information and gives individuals new rights concerning data. The act significantly impacts companies operating in New York state and helps ensure all residents control their personal information. Some key provisions of the privacy law include:

Entities must disclose what categories of consumer data they collect, use, or sell, and the purposes for which they’ll use the data.
Robust enforcement mechanisms provide a private right of action and implement civil penalties per violation.

North Dakota

North Dakota has taken steps to address digital privacy concerns, with a proposed opt-in privacy law and ongoing discussions about data protection.


the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (the Act), or SB 619, will take effect on July 1, 2024, except for some provisions that will not take effect until January 1, 2026. The Act applies to any person that conducts business in Oregon, or that provides products or services to residents of Oregon, and, during a calendar year, controls or processes either:

1.) The personal data of 100,000 or more consumers, other than personal data controlled or processed solely for the purpose of completing a payment transaction; or
2.) The personal data of 25,000 or more consumers, while deriving 25 percent or more of the person’s annual gross revenue from selling personal data.

Importantly, the definition of “consumers” is limited to a natural person residing in Oregon and excludes both employee and business-to-business (B2B) data. “Sale” is defined broadly, similar to the California Consumer Protection Act, as the “exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration” with a third party except for data disclosed to processors.

South Dakota

The digital privacy landscape is characterized by a mix of common law and public sector-focused privacy laws, with limited private sector regulations.


The recent enactment of the Consumer Privacy Act sees it rising through the rankings this year to take second place (alongside Virginia). This act, which comes into power on December 31, 2023, ensures consumers are aware of the data companies are collecting on them, can opt out of third-party data sharing, and can request that their data is deleted. The act also protects geolocation data, making Utah one of just five states to have this specific provision within its data protection laws.

Other key areas for Utah include data disposal laws for governments and companies, social media privacy laws for employers and educational institutions, and laws to govern the use of artificial intelligence and genetic data.


The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act is a new law that’ll take effect on January 1, 2023. It will require businesses to take reasonable steps to protect consumer data privacy, confidentiality, and integrity.

This new law applies to any business that collects, uses, or discloses the personal information of 100,000 or more Virginia consumers or derives 50 percent or more of its revenue from the sale of consumer data.

The law also gives Virginia residents the right to access their personal data and request correction if it’s inaccurate.


The Wyoming Digital Privacy Act is a set of laws and regulations that aim to protect the privacy of individuals in the state of Wyoming in the digital age. The act covers various aspects of digital privacy, including data breach notification, personal identifying information, and online data collection. This legislation defines personal identifying information as any combination of an individual’s first and last name, plus one or more of the following:

* Social security number
* Driver’s license number or state identification card number
* Financial account number or credit card number
* Password or security token
* Birth or marriage certificate
* Login secrets or security questions and answers

Be sure to check your local resources for more information as this laws relating to privacy are changing without notice.

 Website Owner Guide

My free ebook covers how to set up SEO, with the goal being that your website appears as an organic listing when searches are performed that relate to the keywords or phrases you have geared your content towards. Organic results do not require money spent on Google ads, but they do require your sweat equity in DIY online marketing. I promise my ebook will improve your skills for successfully producing organic results when you follow my instructions.

Comprehensive website tool covering design and repair, including SEO, with proven content marketing methods to boost your online business: The Seven Pillars To Online Business Success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the answers to common questions.

What is the process to design a website?

There are three steps in this process of collaboration to design and publish your website.

First, we will have a meeting to review your current situation and discuss your goals and ideas to move forward. If you like, I will provide you with an audit of your website and go over those results in a second phone call. There is no fee for the website audit.

Secondly, I will provide a written estimate to you covering what we discussed.

The third step is implementing my estimate. You make a payment and the work begins to create your business showcase. This is an easy process.

How can you repair a website?

I do work with almost all types websites including all website platforms and independent websites.

For example Wordpress and Wix are two website platforms.

An independent website means software that is purchased by the website owner is used to construct the website. For example, Blocs and Rapidweaver are two of those software. 

Some businesses have a Content Management System (CMS). Ialso work on those type of websites.

When do we see results in search engine listings?

If you are doing a new domain website that has not been published before, it will take a few months before the search engines recognize your content.

If you are using an existing domain and rebuilding the website on that domain, as a general rule, we should see SEO (Search Engine Optimization) results within six to ten weeks.

Any SEO campaign will always work work more efficiently when fresh, quality content is implemented using current search tech.

How much does it cost to get started?

The cost depends on the scope of work involved. Another variable depends on if you want a new website or a website upgrade, which is also referred to as a rebranding campaign.

Once we have a conversation, or two, you will have a clear idea on scope of work and a fixed price covering 12 months.

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