10 Reasons Websites Fail

It’s never too late to recover your website. With the proper application of current search tech and using proven SEO, Search Engine Optimization, methods, you can always accomplish organic search results with your website content.

Website Have Many Variables
S Mann


December,  2024

Search bots, an automated process, interpret your website content to determine your organic search rankings, which in turn create the visibility of your website in search results. 

Over the last decade I have seen a lot of failed websites. I have also successfully recovered failed websites, which means they now produce organic listings on the first page of search results. From my experience, these are the ten most common reasons that website fail.

Use this 10 points to improve your website content and you will improve your website marketing.

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  Placement Versus Reputation

Website is created to get a place on the internet versus build a business reputation.

According to Mom. “E-E-A-T is an acronym created by Google which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is not a ranking factor but rather a component of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG)."

Google has specific guidelines for content.  Building and sustaining your website based on criteria is very different than just throwing up a website to say you have one. The rub is that to have a website that displays in search results does require crafted contents which is basically graded, or scored, by the search bots.

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 Public Platforms Not Linked

There’re dozens of public platforms. Some examples are social media and news article sites. The point I am making here is you have to development a way to have those platforms link into your website.

Social media is a great place to get links into your website. So is YouTube or Vimeo. But there are many other sites, or platforms, and the cultivation of links will take time.

There are hundreds of website, relevant to your content, that can be linked to you. These inbound links establish credibility. When links to your site have a higher domain authority (DA) that enhances your business reputation.

Domain Authority reportGet Support

 SEO Methods Not Current

The methods of search is fluid and constantly being changed to improve searches for users. As an example, semantic search enhances traditional keyword matching by leveraging natural language processing (NLP) to understand user intent and contextual meaning. You and I do not see that tech but it’s integrated into the algorithms and that power the search bots.

Keyword search remains a pillar as the method to interpret content. It’s imperative that website owners do their due diligence on keywords and work them into website content and website architecture. 

Perhaps the newest tech is AI (artificial Intelligence) ability to generate images and verbiage for websites. I have read reports on the pros and cons. As far as I can tell, human content grades higher than AI content.

The image below shows domains, and thier DA, linking into the website. What domains link to your website?

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 Outdated Website Content

Keep a date on your website pages to show the publishing date. On the majority of small business websites you see that date. 

A unwritten rule of website conduct is old content is no longer acceptable in an effort to merely create content as part of a good marketing strategy. Everyone is doing that. If you want to stand out, you also need to cultivate unique perspectives and demonstrate your command of your craft.

Old website content undermines your ability to be accessible, relatable, and relevant to your customers. If a consumer reads an outdated blog or watches a video and gets information that is clearly irrelevant, they aren’t going to feel heard. At that point, don’t expect them to take the next step in a sales funnel or click on a CTA.

Outdated website content is a serious concern. Your competition is pumping out content and to keep up so must you. Posting content and leaving it there is oaky, but not publishing new content is where that old content becomes a liability since the search bots see noting new is being published.

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 Analytics - Best Practices Missing

I have covered this in other articles, you must have Google analytics in your website pages in order to have an opportunity to rank with organic search results.

Better yet, use the “tags” in those analytics, or any analytics software, to drill down and identify what Call To Action is being used or not use. With that understanding you can build a better sales funnel.

However, with analytics also arises website visitor privacy regulations. Make sure that you keep our privacy policy attuned so you are in compliance.

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 Business Profile

Four opportunities to receive free exposure are doing a business profile in each of those locations, along with the key base app.


You need a street address, not a post office box, to achieve a listing in the local map.

As well, you must demonstrated that you are a verified business. This means more than a cool template for a website. I means photos of your business, links from other domains, and customer testimonials are a plus.

Google Business ProfileGet Support

 Research Competition

The majority of websites I have seen fail to research competition and then apply that to build a successful plan of development and a stepping stone to achieve even greater success.

There are several ways to research your competition.

One method is by keywords. Another is by search results. A third method is by page speed.

There are free tools that help you accomplish those three methods. One is MOZ and another is SearchEngineLand. Or, you can hire me and I will do it all as part of a website administration package.

I prefer the human method, which is sitting down and plugging away to identify your competition, then examining the keyword and how they have setup their architecture.

While the free tools on the web are great and fast, they don’t clue you in on how the website architecture is setup. Plus, experience will tell you how that architecture is helping or hiring the SEO campaign.

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 Website Architecture

Lack of understanding how website architecture requires SEO methods.

A SEO plan of development means making sure that all components of your website are speaking the same message to the search bots.

Every website will have these pieces that the following:

  • Home page

Navigation menu(s)

File structure and naming conventions used in those files

  • Contextual linking on pages

Foundation pieces which can be articles, reoccurring content on specific web pages

  • Sitemap file

  • Robot file

Having a website is the key to business success. At the very minimal, a consumer can use the search engine using your business name to find you.

"84% of consumers believe retailers should be doing more to integrate their online and offline channels. To address this concern, retail marketers need to gain visibility — both online and offline.”
~ RetailNext.

With the correct website architecture in place, it’s easier for potential customers to examine you.

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Lack of understanding that every website owner is a publisher who’s main focus is educating potential customers about the benefits of their products and services.

Your content can be images, videos, or verbiage but they all have on aspect in common, you have to publish them before they can influence people about your services. Know where to publish can take a awhile. It’s a trial and error practice. One time test practice that works is setting up an RSS feed. I will cover that in another article. This is a link to my RSS. That file is best viewed using a RSS reader platform. A few of those platforms include the following: 

  • Inoreader — Best for discovering content

  • Feedly — Best free RSS reader with a simple interface

  • Vivaldi — Best for following YouTube channels and podcasts

  • Feeder — Best fuss-free essential RSS reader

  • Newsblur — Best for filtering your feeds

There are many types of distribution, publishing, your content that include a blog, podcast, video platform (YouTube and Vimeo), social media channels, ebooks, PDF files, and there are other possibilities as well.

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 Human Touch

Lack of human touch in crafting website content.

The human touch can synthesize and create ideas and strategy.

I see too many website where someone bout a template, with not enough content, and not the correct content and then the website owner is frustrated with no results.

The very minimum that every website must fulfill is being an online showcase of services and products. This allows potential customers to examine you and better understand what you have and how you can solve their problem.

Research tells us that people want to have confidence  before they make a purchase. 

People do research before buying a productGet Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the answers to common questions.

What is the process to design a website?

There are three steps in this process of collaboration to design and publish your website.

First, we will have a meeting to review your current situation and discuss your goals and ideas to move forward. If you like, I will provide you with an audit of your website and go over those results in a second phone call. There is no fee for the website audit.

Secondly, I will provide a written estimate to you covering what we discussed.

The third step is implementing my estimate. You make a payment and the work begins to create your business showcase. This is an easy process.

How can you repair a website?

I do work with almost all types websites including all website platforms and independent websites.

For example Wordpress and Wix are two website platforms.

An independent website means software that is purchased by the website owner is used to construct the website. For example, Blocs and Rapidweaver are two of those software. 

Some businesses have a Content Management System (CMS). Ialso work on those type of websites.

When do we see results in search engine listings?

If you are doing a new domain website that has not been published before, it will take a few months before the search engines recognize your content.

If you are using an existing domain and rebuilding the website on that domain, as a general rule, we should see SEO (Search Engine Optimization) results within six to ten weeks.

Any SEO campaign will always work work more efficiently when fresh, quality content is implemented using current search tech.

How much does it cost to get started?

The cost depends on the scope of work involved. Another variable depends on if you want a new website or a website upgrade, which is also referred to as a rebranding campaign.

Once we have a conversation, or two, you will have a clear idea on scope of work and a fixed price covering 12 months.

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